Who Does the Media Most Want to Silence?

By Heather Higgins – Re-Blogged From Prager University

In the mainstream media, women on the left are almost always portrayed as paragons of compassion and virtue. But when it comes to conservative women, it’s a different story. Why is this?  Heather Higgins, chairman of Independent Women’s Forum and CEO of Independent Women’s Voice, explains the reasons behind the double standard.

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Professor Calls Out College Administrators for Overwhelming Liberal Bias

Re-Blogged From Total Conservative

You don’t really expect to see a college professor calling out college administrators for their liberal bias, and you really don’t expect to see them do it in the pages of The New York Times, but hey, the Gray Lady throws us a bone every now and then. On Tuesday, Professor Samuel J. Abrams of Sarah Lawrence College argued that while there was no question that professors and academics tended to be on the more liberal side of the spectrum, the imbalance was nothing compared to school administrators, who are practically walking in lockstep towards a more “progressive” future.

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